Sunday, February 16, 2014

UPDATE: Project Bear With Me

Hey! Thanks for checking back with me.
I named my project, it's called: Bear With Me
It's a pun. It's punny.
It's good to get all this weekly progress down. It actually feels like quite a journey.
I think I've reached that point in which all artists reach when working on something.
Quitting. But I've been training the last few years for this. I know where I stand and almost how to combat it.
Let me tell you why I feel this way:
I created a poorly constructed animatic, which is just a bunch of my ideas for this story based loosely off of my life.
So when I first showed it there was a lot of stuff that didn't make sense. It's mainly because it's hard to tell a story with just images.
Some stories actually require dialogue. So I did my best.
Needless to say I got a lot of critique on it and it needed a lot of work. Obviously I started working on fixing it right away in order to get my idea to come across properly.
I worked out every little thing in the story and conveyed it the best way I could when I redid my animatic. Yet to no avail, it still isn't reading properly.
To get down to it, it's like nothing is working. But in all honesty, it is all working. It's just missing some final ingredients.
I'm a chef, in a way, and I have to prepare this meal to be the best damn experience ever.
Okay... This is what I think I can gather from the whole thing. I've given the story and the solution too fast. At least I think I have. Because no one is satisfied at the end. I haven't created enough of a struggle with my character. So I have to show a bit more of conflict with his issue.
All that takes is working in some scenes with him interacting with the bear in such a way that it shows it's not just work, it's everything.
I thought, honestly, that showing the problems with his work would be fine. As if it was all I had to do, but again I think I spoon fed it all too quickly.
2 + 2 = 4 is a good thing in animation but it helps when you give it to the audience slowly so they can arrive at it themselves too.
I'll be working on solidifying character designs this week and colors. As well as adding in those little extra nuances to help create a more believable world. I think I like the cartoon style of Venture Bros. It's kinda what I have visioned for this piece.

So in summary, I have some minor things to adjust to my story but to be honest I want to record my short script first and lay in the audio before I change anything. Maybe that will solve the problems. I will also be doing character designs, backgrounds, and layouts to get stuff going asap.

After the scratch audio, and if that doesn't work I'll be redoing and adding some stuff to the animatic just so that way I can start production. I need to start animating asap but I can't do that with a wack story.

To be honest it feels like nothing is working properly but I know that if I keep working, something will happen.

Nothing seems to be going the right direction for my piece. So like I mentioned before I've reached that point of quitting, which is an awesome landmark. It means I'm on the verge of a breakthrough.

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