Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I'm gonna keep on keepin' on.

I quit my job.
My final day is on the 6th. I'm going to take some time off before I begin my next project with a career.
I feel like the choice I made has potential for growth.
I can't say I settled, but my Plan A didn't work out. Which, usually that's the case.
The job seems nice. I think I am mentally prepared to handle what comes with it.
The nice thing is the money. And then on top of that is the idea that I can grow with the project as it expands. I would love to be in management again. I like to influence people to be better.
So my plan is to kick back and learn the job really well, excel at it then work towards being more.
I say that with in the year I will try to move around in the company. Becoming a trainer, or someone who does the interviews.
I've been re-writing the story. I think where it's at now is really cool because it's less about the real world and it's more about a world of this video game hub.
The character is able to show his true colors and be himself.
Something happens to break the norm of the land, and that's the pilot.
It introduces Oliver and sets up his journey. I need to work in how Monsterbutt comes in to it all.
The introduction is pretty cool. I have been working on trying to figure out a cool way to have the show introduction, so it covers imagery of the land / hub world, Oliver, Monsterbutt and the other things that happen. I mean most shows intros have so much in them that if you were to look at it all every little detail means something in the series.
Keep it simple. Keep it to the point.
Keep it cool and interesting.
I have a brief outline of the things I want to happen, now it's about elaborating on it all and making it awesome.

I think for me emotionally right now I'm pretty broken and stressed out. Scared and just like, shocked that I did all these new things.
I think I'm confused on some things with my personal life and maybe I'm worried about committing to a bad choice because of complicated reasons.
The whole quitting my job thing is breaking everything that I knew and breaking the comfort of my bullshit menial existence. It's making me think about things and like, what is it that makes me happy?
Am I satisfied? Is this good enough? Will it work out for me? Does it matter that much to me?
I'm just a little lost and trying to get grounded. It's like I can feel myself spiraling out a little bit.
Hopefully I can catch onto something before it gets out of control and I spin to the ground and SPLAT.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ope. Meant to post this last week. (It has nothing to do with you)

Hey there reader.
Welcome back. Here's something new for you to gawk at.
I'm 32 and working dead end jobs.
There's no future.
That's why I have been down on myself lately.
I have nothing I'm working towards and the work I'm doing is going towards just maintenance.
It does not move me forward in any aspect.
In finding that out I realize I have to do something that's meaningful to me.
I'd love for my past goals to have worked out. The reality is that they didn't. Either because I didn't try hard enough, there wasn't anything out there for me here, or a combo of both.
I think the fear of stagnating I had years ago has taken hold for sure.
I'm such a creature of routine. There's no real excuse for how things ended up this way.
I think I always just took the easy road.

I've been trying to write for my story and I think I reached a point where I'm a bit turned off by it.
I don't think it's going to make it. Like I need to go beyond what it is and take it a level deeper.
Like, peel back the core of the story and put more of a flair on it that keeps it interesting.

I want to touch on my child abuse and domestic violence.
I want to go on about how the little things helped me keep going.
But I want it to be engaging. I think that I'm just like, too surface level with it.
I have wanted to write a show about a guy and his best friend who's dead but they end up in video games and they have to escape.
I think maybe I can do something with that.
I can combine the two things into one and see how it works out. No work created is wasted work.
It's always another step in the right direction.

Maybe on the surface the story is about a boy who's really good at what he does. He's a master at all these games and in his imagination he's this unstoppable thing, but then something starts creeping into the games and soiling it. And he starts getting whooped. And beat down. And it's always this force that he can't explain.
It starts off small but then it gets really debilitating. Where he's suffering from harsh shit.
Then he finds the monster, which is tough to make a friend out of him at first, but then they have to work together to stop the Evil from taking over.
I think we can ditch the real life shit and the facade of it all and just go into a level deeper.
I keep thinking of Adventure Time and how it's like, there are references to the world we know and accept, and then it smudges over and you have this world they exist in which is just "after" our time.
The references to it, and the darkness of it all, and the shit with the Lich. It's like that level of deep.
That's what I'm thinking about achieving.