Saturday, October 6, 2012


I got a lot of positive feedback from my poetry. I hear that there's a lot of, feeling, and emotion in my work. Which is great. I just need to invest in a thesaurus so I can play with that lyrical imagery.

Here's some stuff that I've done since.

 Here's a blues poem. Feel the beat.
I can't help but think. I can't help but think.
What my life could have been, without you around.

I can't help but wonder. I can't help but wonder.
Could I or would I, be as strong today?

You made my life so hard. You made my life so hard.
I can't help but think. I can't help but wonder.
Where I'd be, without that life.

You made mylife so hard. I can't help but wonder.
Who I'd be right now.

Here's some others:
Roaring through, crashing along
Existing for something but just staying busy
All meet their end, no way is wrong
Lashing, breaking, strong or fuzzy
Illusions cover us, but which way is right?
Tough is the choice to continue
Yearning for answers but search within you.

This one describes a tough spot in my life-
My hunger builds as I crave
     I must be strong and power through
     'Lest my actions sweep over you
I am this feelings slave

My desire is to taste your flavor
     My bodies functions power down
     As the tings I crave crowd around
With in my mind, emotions waiver

It's driving me so crazy... It's in my dreams
Instead.. I'll just be lazy. I'm hungry, or so it seems.

I'll have my two revisions up once I get them back next week.
Here's some reflecting on stuff:
Wearing masks... Changing your face frequently-
Who are you really? You think you know. But you're a LIAR.
I don't have to lie. I wear the same mask.
The one I was born with and grew into.
For once just take off your mask and feel your lies, FEEL IT. Revel in it. Relish it.
Because it's all YOU.

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