Thursday, November 29, 2018

Xen and Teebo (Updated 12/27) Still working it out.

Original post: 11/09
"I don't think he's ready." A voice in the huddle murmurs.
The group of tribal elders and hunters looks over at Xen, a small boy with a flying bug in his hand.
"He's coming of age, it's time he went on a hunt." The tribe chief insists.
Xen's brother, Shu, is the lead hunter of the tribe. He throws in his opinion.
"No." He says firmly. "The creatures have been getting more aggressive and they are getting closer to the village. It's not about hunting for survival, it's about eliminating the threats." He rubs his shoulder, his fingers pressing on a large scar down his arm.
The sound of a faint horn goes off in the distance, Shu's eyes widen as he grabs his weapon. The chief waves his hands in a dismissive motion and they break to continue their duties.
Xen hears the horn as well and in the action of everyone taking their place he sneaks down a less beaten path. He squeezes between a tree and rock and tumbles through a bush. He rolls through a small crack in a stone ruin and lands in a large room with a hole in the ceiling. The light illuminates the walls, displaying worn pictures of previous tribes.
Shu grabs a spear and a shield and runs past villagers towards to camps big fenced doorway. Light poking through the trees a pathway is illuminated. A roar off in the distance stops him in his tracks. He looks back at his crew of hunters. Shu knows that roar, and as he looks at the rag tag group of hunters he sees a younger boy shaking and scared.

 Update: 11/29
I was really fond of writing this parallel between Xen who wants to work with the monsters and his brother Shu who wants to fight them. They run down a similar path but what they choose to do it the polar opposites. I am working on how they converge and how it will affect them both. Ultimately at the end we see what happens when you need to do the right thing.

xen = parts through a crowd / slipping through / tumbles through some bushes, does a roll and climbs a wall, he stands before some ancient ruins on the outskirts of town / runs into the ruins picks up a torch and lights it. He walks past the images of tribes from the past. Imagery show the tribe with large animal pets and lots of celebration.
Xen gathers up some insects that were around in the area, as if to tame them. He speaks to them and they lead him down this dark path in the ruins. A faint and distant roar startles him and the bugs. Xen does a call with his hand cupped over his mouth. From out of the cracks in the wall a cute lizard crawls and looks at Xen questionably.
Xen pets the lizard and gives him a little snack. A small little animal cry echoes through the hall. Xen feels like it might be in danger, he must find it.
Xen explores around this center hall of the ruins. It looks like an old gathering spot. The roof has been covered by tree branches, roots, leaves, dirt, but there's a hole with light peering through. It illuminates the hall, leading xen to a spot where he hears a small cry of a baby animal. It's a little soft nesting spot from an old bird. In the nest he hears a little creature crying out looking for something.

Shu=  Forces himself through the crowd / people part the way for him/ he jumps over a barricade and does a roll/ running into a large hut near the gate of the village / he runs into the staging area and picks up his shield and spear / he runs down a lit path trophies of past kills line the walls, dino horns and weird bones. Lots of mounted trophy kills.
Shu rallies some brave villagers and they gather, ready to go out from the gates.  A loud roar startles Shu as his eyes go dead as if to flash back to some trauma. A villager shakes him out of it, looking at him questionably.
Shu shakes himself out of it and another roar let's him collect his thoughts. He knows what he must do. The beast is a threat and they must drive it back.
Shu and the villagers rally around a cliff side. Overlooking a valley. They hide in the trees. A tender roar of this magnificent beast coo's. The beast is not angry. It's crying for something. A long roar bellows out and echoes across the ridge.

A roar bellows out and at the end are some whimpers. Shu looks at his spear. A feather, the same color as the feathers on this beast. He rubs the feather. It lifts and flips in a small breeze. There's a crash of a tree falling as the beast begins to move through the ridge and towards the village. The crash reverberates inside of Shu. More trauma as he remembers when he was a young boy. His eyes wide and dark. He's there holding the same feather, but he is a young boy. The village was under some kind of attack and the hut that he lived in was being crushed under the foot of a large gray beast. The feathered wyvern was there too. The roar. It gave him goosebumps. He begins frantically searching for Xen. The wyvern flips past him at a speed that was jarring. As it passed by a column crumbled and reveals Xen, swaddled in leathers and soft cloth as villagers with weapons ran by.Shu grabs Xen and holds him close. He begins to run away, looking back he tries to scan the area for his parents. His house completely destroyed. He looks back at the men fighting the wyvern. Shu watched as this wyvern slashed it's tail, knocking them all out of the way with such force that jolted him back to reality. His eyes narrow as he remembers why he fights.

Update 12/27 ---
We need to get a production schedule done.
Looking to have this done from concept to completion by the end of April 30th 2019.

Basic story outline done -
- This entails having the beginning, middle and end completed with a coherent and interesting story that encompasses the core concept of the story arc.

Basic art visuals done -
 - This entails basic Character concepts, monster concepts, props, landscapes

Revision of Story done -
- This entails rounding out the story, taking it to the next level, a solid form and fluidity of an actual written story aided by the revised visuals created. Having the dialog done.

Revised art visuals done -
 - This entails more focused character work with Xen, Teebo, Shu, and the Big Monster. Picking out the finalized look of them. More solid ideas on the landscape and props. 

March 31th 2019
Final Story Version done -
- This entails all kinks worked out, having a full finished story, edited, script done, everything worked out to be sold as is.

Final art visuals done -
 - This entails finalized character turn arounds for Xen, Teebo, Shu, and the Big Monster, landscapes and other things needed to finalize the pitch.

It would be great to have all of this done, so that way we can spend the final month of April to get the pitch done and good to go.

April 30th 2019
Having the pitch finalized, with visuals and story created. This pitch should be ready to be presented, no missing info or hiccups.
Looking to have a power point presentation or what ever finished and ready to go.

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