Sunday, February 21, 2016


I just can't even begin to explain my situation.
Things are just working out. So that's the best way to explain them.
Today though, I'm kind of sick. I got some kind of head cold.
I'm almost over it.

There's what I ended up with as far as the Mario and Boos piece.
I put it on some notebooks on RedBubble and some phone cases too.
Oh yeah. I also have a DesignByHumans store now too.
I was approached by them to open up an online store with them.
Feels great man!

Just going to make more art, even though I don't think I'll make it as a contributor to Tucson Comic Con this year I would still like to have work.

I loaded up some brushes and stuff in photoshop and didn't save the little sketches and stuff I did today.
I want to submit to the character design challenge this month.
It's VIKING. Just getting out of my comfort zone and seeing if I can keep up with Jon.

The stream is going really well. I've been streaming every day since I was set free.
Things are just working out. I can't believe the amount of support I have through people on the internet.
I have some really supportive friends.
Shout out to ThorsRampage, SuperSalad, FroznToast, demonhealer_mvm, Ragin_Raptor, TheRedOnionNinja, BerserkerHug, Legend_Nilmar, Papa13ear, Valdreig, RaYoshi and Dem0n5. You guys have helped me in more ways than one. I really appreciate you and your time. You are more valuable to me than words can say. zachyLOVE.

Can't wait to see what happens in March.

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