Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nightly Numbers for 8/15/2019

Hey all.
Just been working a lot.
Been getting used to my position and getting set with making sure I deliver my best self for the job.
I think I'm going to do my best to make it my actual career. I can't really see myself doing anything else. I'm too much into the customer service / retail / video games to just do something else. I did enjoy working for Costco the time that I did for their online customer service. I was good at that too. I'm happy to be the stores assistant. We're doing so good.
I'm doing good as far as that goes now. Job = good means I = good.
Trying to work on art and stuff still. Having a hard time getting things finished. Able to start good projects and stuff but I can't execute.
 Space cowboy came along pretty well. Just having a hard time coloring him.
Then I was working on some video game stuff.

Having a hard time coming up with the way I want things. Cool robots versus cool Bio/Mutant creatures. I need to nail down the things I like about the bio side. The robot stuff should be easy and funner. I was thinking a lot about things like the Infected Terran from Star Craft, Stukov and things like the G-Virus on Resident evil. I loved how they mutated and how cool they are. So I need to keep messing around with stuff like that.

To get away from not feeling good about my art failures I decided to spend some time working on this.

Notorious K.I.N.G.
Once I get good at coloring it will be up on RedBubble as a T.

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