I read an article: Read the full one here! About depression and being a high functioning one at that. These things kind of hit me hard and while I was reading I could only really feel for it. It was reading about me and my issues.
I realized that I need to keep these things in mind and work on them in order to help me get better. It's my choice to be better. I want to be the best person I can be.
1. Know your body. There are typically warning signs –
bold or subtle changes- of when you are about to experience a little
more of a struggle with your mental illness. Pay attention to these
changes so you can take preemptive measures against your symptoms.
2. Have a solid support network.
Struggling with depression or anxiety is not something to be ashamed
of. Millions of people are experiencing the same thing as you. Lean on
people who can relate to what you are feeling, or find someone you trust
that you are comfortable explaining your situation to. It’s good to
have someone you can call, text, or talk to when you need a quick pick
me up.
3. Give yourself some well-deserved attention. Pamper
yourself a little sometimes. You work really hard in your daily life
and you manage your mental illness, appreciate yourself. It’s okay to
have an extra helping of ice cream, buy those concert tickets, or just
plain old relax for an afternoon. If you don’t take care of yourself,
how are you expected to be able to perform at your best?
4. Exercise and eat right.
I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times but it is a miracle what
eating right and some exercise can do for your body. I love to think of
the mantra “feel good, do good” because its true; the better you feel
the happier you behave. When you feel good it is reflected by how the
people around you behave and leads to positive reinforcement.
5. Discover a hobby.
Finding an activity or hobby that you really enjoy can serve as a very
positive distraction for negative things, and a mood boost for when youa
re feeling above average. Find a group of people
6. Five sense distraction. If
you are in a public place and feeling overwhelmed, you can use the five
sense method to calm down. Focus and examine: 5 things you can see, 4
you can touch, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell, and 1 taste. Try to
breathe through your nose as you complete this task and you will feel
relieved in no time!
7. Don’t give up. Treatments
are typically not a quick fix, they take time, and yes a little energy.
But the outcome is well worth it. Don’t give up on your treatment plan,
on the people supporting you, or yourself. You are a powerful,
resilient individual you can do this.
Anyways. I felt like sharing so when I scroll through my blog later I'll come across it and remind myself.
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