Saturday, June 18, 2016

We've Lost Touch.

I found something pretty hilarious tonight as I was drawing.
I was trying to draw this curve, but I kept drawing it and it was coming out the same way each time. But I still erased it and tried again, knowing I needed to switch the angle so I could get the exact curve I was looking for. I did it like 40 times before I just laughed and switched the angle. Why did I repeatedly put myself up for failure knowing I needed to make a simple change?
I think it's a thing most people need to realize in their life if they want to make changes for the better.
You see the path. You know what you need to do, but yet you still just keep making the same mistake(s).

I wanted to make more characters. I browsed around the internet for things that I thought were interesting or cool. I've always wanted a cool unicorn piece. So that was first on the list. But everything else just kind of came to me when getting the stuff I wanted to do down. So above is the rough ideas of what I thought when I thought of the words. Then, I kind of just cleaned them up a bit to flesh out the ideas a bit more. 

I liked Banana Man a lot so I kind of just did that first.
I think he'll make a great sticker.
I loved the little grumpy cloud. No fucks given. He's a little cool one.
Then the cool unicorn. 
Just sticker ideas for comic con. I'm going to see what happens these next few months. I don't know if these will turn out like I want. But I'll figure it out as time goes on. I have a local shop with a friend who's running things. Kind of looking forward to having a relationship with producing my digital work into something real.
The stickers will be a great thing to have at con. I think it'll drive a lot of sales. It's something small and cheap to walk away with. Which I think most people at con are looking for. Cool items that are inexpensive that look great from cool artists.

I'm most excited about doing a bunch of spray painted items and a cool Samurai Jack give away at the booth. Still working everything out. But as time goes on it will be clearer.
It all started with the Pizza Ghost.
I just envisioned myself at a booth selling cool street art stuff.
It's a thing that's always inspired me from the beginning.
I'm glad I kind of just sat down and started working on this idea more and more fleshing out things.

I've been stockpiling some cardboard from boxes at work.
They are perfect for carving my stencil ideas into and also perfect canvases for the art.
So, naturally I'm coming up with ideas to spray.

Alright, so naturally people aren't so much interested in individual artists at comic con. They are more interested in the things that brought them there. The comics, characters and what ever else. I knew I was not going to have a lot of traffic for just Pizza Ghost and what ever else I have going on, I haven't established myself as an artist with any famous publications or anything. I'm nothing on (which is a whole other story I'll blog about in a bit) So I have to have a hook. Something cool for people to look at and relate to quickly to bring them over. Fan art always does the trick. Now this is a fucking double edged sword with cons because artists are always complaining about how artists will prey on con goers with this tactic, but it's a legit way to get noticed.
Obviously I'm a nerd and I love the same stuff. I figured I would do some art that would be cool in my eyes. I hope that others feel the same.
The first picture is just some stuff I thought of to do to bring people to my booth.
Some simple two or three color stencils of famous comic book heroes / villians. Simple enough, and then they can check out the stuff I really like and make.
If things are super easy to make I might just have a lot of spray painted items at the con. Variety is good.
Here's to a productive week.

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