Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More stuff in the rough..

I like it cause it rhymes.

I like these done rough. But I hope to have them pretty cleaned up by the time they're in flash / photoshop. I'm not sure a color scheme or style I want them in yet either. I want them to be pretty cool looking (doesn't any artist want that for their work?!) with a decent level of polish.

So this week I just kinda focused on the stuff I said I would do in college. I revisited some ideas I left behind from that time. I'm actually pretty happy with these roughs, but I gotta find a better pose or something with the panda. I'm not 100% on him yet. The zebra is dope tho!

On the horizon I hope to just clean them up and figure out how I'm going to put them on a t.
Feeling more and more productive with these Wednesday drawing sets.
I like being able to kinda sit down and separate myself from the bull shit that has been happening all year. It's good to be disconnected and reconnect to the person on the inside.
I feel like most days I'm going through the motions and it's mainly because people that are around me don't really get me.
I realized this the other day when I caught up with someone from school after a while of not seeing her. It's like- I'm not 100% understood with who's around me because they don't give me a chance.
Everyone has their guard up and no one takes me for me at face value.
I'm a hard worker, and when I'm passionate about something I do my best at it. I guess just not everyone see's that.
I'll leave you with this, this week: Do what you feel in your heart, because in the end the only person you have to answer to is yourself. I think I'd hate the fact that when I'm dying and I look back on my life and see risks I should have taken or things I didn't fully explore. Don't worry about being judged because everyone does it to you already, and when you're dead and gone it wont matter what you did or didn't do to those people. Work for yourself and make yourself better / happier / awesome. Don't let people take that away. Be yourself and just be happy.
It's what I'm trying to do. Been getting a lot of speed bumps this year, but I think it's because I'm on the right path.

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