Monday, February 3, 2014

That feeling of "forward progression"

Hey everyone! How goes the journey? Allow me to spill my guts about mine so far.
I've been going through ups and downs like crazy with this project but I think that I'm on the right track. I'm about to start production!
I know! It's early but I'm following my plan. So, I posted some pics of my thought process above. You can kinda see what has been going through my mind as I develop this story.
I'm about to scan in my storyboard flash cards and time out a quick animatic.

So currently I'm looking at doing my animatic. I'll be scanning my files and timing it out in AfterEffects. I'll be looking for rough sound as well. I'm also building a new title card for my animation studio. "Yeah Ya Did" Studios. It's something I might use to label my cartoons in the future.

After that I'll be roughing my animation. Throwing it in flash designing my characters, and basically finalizing my look.

Things that are working is me following my schedule. It's like I'm in a routine now. I'm excited to start animation. Also, just gathering as much inspiration as possible really has been helping me a lot.

Things that aren't working are keeping myself separated from video games. I have to focus my two things I'm passionate about and it's been hard juggling both so I think I just need to make some adult decisions and but games on the back burner for a while.

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