Hey guys, just grinding along here. Coming to a close on this term. Crazy to think that we're nearing the end.
I'm excited for next term, this one was rough.
I've been doing a lot of slacking lately.
I've been writing fiction. Short stories. I'll post a few.
And some 3D progress, maybe some preproduction progress. I just scanned all of my boards into photoshop and I'm timing them out so the animatic looks decent. I see a lot of redrawing I'm going to have to do. :< Sucks. Cause I just want to be done. I have to add sfx and stuff to it or I'll never get it done.
I still have to scan my stuff I've done for illustration.
A story I wrote for Creative Writing:
Oliver and His Hero, Monster Butt.
"Hey! Come back here!" a young boy yells. He chases leaves rustling in the wind.
"Stop! It's not fair, you're too fast!" he pouts as he slams his butt on the ground. A cloud of dirt kicks up underneath him.
"Aw, c'mon, it's all in fun." The young boy looks up. His best bud smiling down on him, reaching to pick him up. "Oliver, don't be like that."
Oliver, a boy of about eight, plays alone in front of his house. Short brown hair that naturally spikes upwards, a flat nose, rosy cheeks, and deep blue eyes.
Oliver slaps his friends hand and giggles, "You're it!" and sticks his tongue out while running away. He makes it two steps and runs right into his step dad, "OOOOF!"
"Hey you little shit, watch where you're going. Now get the fuck inside."
Gerard... A built man, hard labored through his many jobs and stints through the big house. He has a long scraggly beard with long black wavy hair. Always smells of cigarettes and dirt. Oliver looks into his eyes, black, angry, staring. He quickly gets to his feet and runs inside, past mom who was cooking dinner.
"Whew! That was close, Monster Butt..." Oliver says with a sigh. He grabs a stuffed blue monster that has long arms. Monster Butt has a large grin with four big yellow teeth sticking out of the top of his mouth. The smell of hamburger helper fills the house.
"Time for supper! Come and get it Oliver!" Mom yells. There's a bit of tension in her voice.
"I'll be back Monster Butt." Oliver sits him on the chair in his room and meanders to the dinner table. Oliver slowly pokes at it. These flavors are so gross. He's tired of the sloppy salty flavors with cold buttered bread. Gerard, eating vigorously, goes in for seconds. Survival of the fittest.
"Mum..." Oliver says shyly. "I need new shoes, my shoes can talk, look!" He picks up his food and pulls down on the sole coming apart.
"Put your foot down, what the fuck is your problem? It's like you have no manors." Gerard slams his hand down, silverware clatters.
"It's okay honey, do what your dad says."
"He's not my dad." He says under his breath, "Monster Butt says-" Oliver is immediately cut off.
"THAT'S IT! GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Gerard booms.
"But I'm hungry!"
"Elise, I can't believe this is how he's acting. How the fuck did he turn out this way? You can't fucking do shit can you, you fucking..." His voice, yells and all trail off. Oliver gets up from the table and goes to his room. He reaches the hallway. Monster Butt is waiting for him, like usual. Oliver, near tears reaches for Monster Butts hand. "I know you'll protect me..."
"C'mon Oliver." Monster Butt leads him down the hallway, opens his bedroom door to a large field. The smell of hatred and hamburger helper, gone, extinguished like his tears.
"Let's do something fun!" Monster Butt lets out a belly laugh and runs towards the large building at the end of the field. "Ooooh, perfect spot for hide and seek, huh!?"
"YEAH!" Oliver smiles and gets ready for rock paper scissors, the only way to settle who gets to hide and who has to seek. Slap, slap, bang! Rock. Oliver wins. He gets to hide. "Ha ha! I always win!" Monster Butt smiles wider and covers his big yellow eyeballs. His long blue arms and dark green hands hide him away while the countdown begins.
Oliver scurries around. This place is weird. He's never been here before... "Twenty!" Oliver scrambles for a place to hide. "Fifteen!" He finds a small closet with a vacuum and other supplies in it and squeezes in, the door cracked so he can peek out with one eye. "Five, four, three, two... Ready or not, here I come!" Monster Butt laughs, Oliver giggles. "He's going the wrong way!" He whispers.
There is a large slam and a door opens. A low growl rumbles. Oliver gets scared, the hair on his neck stands up. He tries to get a better view of what that noise was. He whispers, "Monster Butt, are you okay?" A large black body slithers in, then out of sight. Long black wavy hair and the smell of dirt. The body looks back. Big red eyes form a thin black slit. Large mean eyebrows scan the room. It's mouth opens, revealing rows and rows of sharp white teeth. "Where are you.." pours out of its mouth as if a whisper, a low cackle. It slinks around and spots Oliver peeking out of the closet. Its large three fingered talon grabs Oliver by the arm as he curls into a defensive position. It's grip is forceful, pulling him from the closet. A crash from the vacuum rings and echos. The monster grabs Oliver and covers his mouth. Oliver, breathing heavily through his nose starts to cry. The monster grins a toothy grin, "Why you cryin'?" His breath hot, stinging his eyes. Oliver feels a sharp pain on his leg as it goes numb. The force jostles him, a muffled yelp escapes as the monster tightens his grip around his mouth. A rustle and the sound of rapid footsteps sound as Oliver sees dark green claws and long blue arms wrap around the monsters thick black neck. It releases Oliver and he lays on the ground, unable to move. Monster Butt, roaring and bearing his teeth grips onto the black beast as it flails to get him off. The beasts talons rip at Monster Butts arms. Orange pours out from his scratches. Roars and growls are traded as the black beasts mouth opens and closes. Monster Butt stands protectively over Oliver. Orange spilling into little dots on the ground. He lets out a massive roar and the black beast retreats. Oliver cries as monster Butt picks him up and takes him outside.
"I'm sorry buddy, I wasn't fast enough..."
Oliver looks at his wrist, a bruise has formed already. He grabs onto Monster Butts fur and lets the tears carry him away.
"Thank you Monster Butt, you're my hero..."
Another Story:
Penny's Cube
It's another typical night for Penny as she tucks a towel under the door crack to hide the light from her TV. It's after her bed time but she's not ready to sleep. Her new video game, Robot Clash, has her hooked. She's probably another hour and a half away from a checkpoint. Her volume is turned so low that all you can hear is the soft mashing of the buttons. Don't wanna get caught! She hears her moms door close as she pauses the game, listening intently. She scans her room, her eyes float across her several trophies. Her mind is sharp. The trophies are from several science fairs. She likes engineering, A LOT.
A large rumble causes her trophies to shake on the shelves. The rumbling gets more intense until there's a large flash of light and a crash outside. She rushes to the window only to see a smoke trail. She excitedly forgets about the game on pause, and the new mess of trophies on the floor, slips on her boots with out even tying them. She rushes outside in an oil stained white spaghetti strap, ripped jeans, ratty black hair and her trusty goggles. The smell of smoke is heavy in the air, her eyes widen with excitement. She leaves her backyard and discovers a huge crater in the road in her alley. "This is so weird!" she exclaims, "It's like something out of a video game!" She walks around the crater, examining it for any signs of life. Heat is resonating from the center, almost like opening the oven door, or like that last robot she built that blew up in her face. The smoke begins to clear, lights begin to flick on around the neighborhood. Her heart races. She goes down into the crater slowly, as to not lose her footing. As she looks down a glint of shiny metal catches her eye. A new element to discover, or a piece of space junk? She kneels down to examine it closer. She dusts off a cube. Perfectly shaped. Shiny, chrome like, smooth, and very intricate. She decides it's definitely not junk and begins to pick it up. The cube is 19x19x19, or so she calculates. Sirens are heard off in the distance. She sees faces now peering out of the windows of the neighborhood. "Gotta get this back inside and see what it really is!" She says as she runs back into the house. As she's running her hands explore the smooth surfaces.
She heads to the door, the lights are on, mom must be up. She hopes that mom isn't looking for her. She opens the door and begins to silently sneak back into her room. "Hey!" Penny jumps, startled. "Are you okay?" her mom asks. "I think there was an earthquake or something." She tries to hide the cube behind her back and fumbles around with it a bit. A light click and a low whir starts to hum. The cube shrinks in size and fits in her palm. "Yeah, okay mom, I'm okay." She says as she begins to run up the stairs to her room. She slides on her goggles, places the box down on her work table with her favorite wrench in her hand. "Hmm." She hits her hand with the wrench, thinking. "Well there's no buttons, no knobs, no switches..." Her hands go over the surfaces again, "Whelp..." She winds up. SLAM! She bangs it with her wrench. The cube hisses, steam, pressure releases. A gear shifts and metal grinds. The cube slowly unfolds. A strand of bundled wires plops out, sparking. Two arms drop from the center of the cube, limp shiny metal. An object that looks like a head juts up from the center on an awkward post that may be a neck. "A robot?!" Penny exclaims. The wires, she notices the bundling looks a lot like the T-48-Eighty-Niner she built a few summers ago. What a disaster. She slips on thick rubber gloves and examines it closer. The casing is different but the connectors she has could make something work here."Hmmmm." She attaches a plug that monitors electrical output. The wires emit an electrical pulse, as if alive, rhythmic, like a heartbeat. She gets her wire cutters and begins to connect the wires to one of her extra plugs laying around. "I wonder..." she murmurs as she unplugs the cable from her game console to the T.V. completely disregarding it. She plugs in the robots cord and as she does the screen on her T.V. begins to receive feedback. No sound, but images. Flashing quickly on the screen, space, weird planets, fire, explosions. Just like her video game. "This... Is.... Awesome..." she says as she gets comfortable. The images of space again. Awesome nebula, black holes, super massive black holes, galaxies, more planets, and oh, the Milky Way. She sits watching as the video plays. What ever this is was flying through space turns around from showing the Milky Way to showing a ton of twilight sparkles. Dazzling, like a sparky dress, beautiful and elegant. We see Jupiter, then Mars, almost hit the Moon, fire, bright intense light, then shakes and crash. "Well, that was interesting." She says as she unplugs the bot.
Morning comes as usual, although today sunlight begins to touch the crater in the alleyway, the police do not cross line flapping in the breeze. Penny slings her bag on her shoulder as she heads out to school, wiping her tired eyes. Class, as usual. Boring old English. This doesn't benefit her at all. She hardly pays attention, drifting into her thoughts. She stares outside. The teachers voice, a low inaudible sound effect blabbers. Blue sky, faded white moon, full and radiant even though it's daytime. She notices little twilight sparkles in the sky. She gets up without even asking and begins to run outside. She tries to get a better look at the little glints in the sky. Smoke trails as if we're being bombarded by meteors. The glints come crashing down to Earth. Several sparkles and smoke trails. A massive cube crashes down in the football field in front of her. Grinding and clanking of metal is heard as a sound is heard that cannot be described. More crashing around her. Terror and panic strikes Penny. She can't think straight but fight or flight kicks in and it's clearly flight. As she's running she looks to the sky, the Moon. A crack begins to form on the lower part of the Moon. She stops dead in her tracks jaw almost on the floor. She can't believe her eyes. Large robotic creatures fire onto buildings. The electronic sound now harmonized with the several other invaders. The Earth shakes as the moon splits into three pieces with rubble between them. It slowly drifts apart as she feels an unnatural tug on her body. Sirens begin to howl and roar as Penny runs home.
Here's a descriptive writing example from class:
An average sized man could be the best way to describe him. Not too tall, nor fat, but not skinny either, but proud. You can see it in his stance. It demands honor. He is built. Built for justice and honor. His hair is hidden by his helmet, his body shielded by pleated armor. His age is unknown but in his eyes you see experience. His voice, guttural and low, forceful. It attacks you. His tone only reflects that of experience as well. You can hear the battles won and the honor. He smells of sweat and tea, a light hint of saki. His armor feels of silk and iron. A light kiss of leather. It rests on him lightly, allowing him to move quickly and freely. His armor, crafted by only the best, allows him to uphold his families honor as well as his emperors. He rests his hand on the hilt of his blade.
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