Hello, lonely reader. Thanks for reading and checking back with my blog.
Even though I don't know who you are, I appreciate you stopping by!
Now that I've thanked you I just want to apologize for the lack of posting for the last bit.
I've been getting geared up over the summer for taking my education very seriously.
I want to admit my... Sorrow for my lack of skill. Just know that I'm working on getting better.
It's all about practice. And I need a lot of it. I just don't want to lose any respect from my peers or instructors, or even you, my one viewer.
I've been working very hard at some 3D work, learning Maya, as well as developing some characters for my timing class so I can get used to animating. I've been also writing some stuff thanks to my creative writing class. So much stuff going on.
Art work soon. Promise.
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