I feel this looming sense of doom when I see other 'student' work from other schools.
I had a talk with one of my teachers about it today. He just kept trying to reassure me that they're showing their students best work. Which they are. I mean, the school's gotta sell itself some how right? How else are they going to get students to fill up their seats? He went on to explain that's why they put stuff in the student gallery. It's to show off, look how good these students are, you COULD be this good, probably.
I feel like you have to love the work you're doing.
That's what the animators were doing when they were holed up in their little shack in the back of the lot back in the day. Making fun of their bosses and having a blast just doing some silly inside jokes.
I feel like our crew right now at school is nice. We've gotten pretty tight over the last two years.

Sucks though, that people move on. They're gonna graduate soon. I just hope we can stay in contact so that way when I get out... We can still kinda chill.
I want to do a good job. Most of the time I'm working really hard at doing a good job.
I think only a few people see that. I believe it is this drive, this motivation, that gets me to my goals.
I hope I don't lose this steam. I'm going to need it to get a great job. I need to work hard at it every fucking day. I need to be great at what I do. Funny thing is though, the school made me wait a year before even starting me on actual animations. I feel like I missed out a year of practice and bettering myself. It's like taking a pit stop before even beginning the race.
Work hard. I just gotta keep telling myself that. Work hard.
This work, every day, will keep me in shape. Get me in better shape. I can't lose this. Gotta keep pushing.
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