So this one will be it for a while.
I'm throwing up some pictures of Kodiak.
My painting progress as well as two of my portraits so far. I plan on doing 30 by March 19th.
I hope to have a solid Kodiak color and design by Monday. A maquette will be built next week some time. I also learned that I will have to create Liam on my own time since the 2nd character we're developing is probably going to be Robin Hood themed. I'm excited about that but a little upset too because I really wanted to develop Liam on school time. It's cool though. It gives me time to create a story line for them.
Kodiak is a really cool machine. He's a robot that runs off grinding up minerals in his large arm.
How this works is, he is able to extend out a drill bit from the center of his large arm. He does this to drill out minerals and what not. Then, when he's ready he retracts the drill, reversing it. It creates a grinder inside the arm, much like a garbage disposal. He recharges and eats that way.
He has no mouth, so he's unable to speak. His emotions will be seen and felt through body language as well as his eyes.
Liam created him because he was tired of being alone. Liam commands Kodiak and he does as he's told.
Kodiak is a very curious robot.This gets him into trouble. It also pisses off Liam to no end. Liam is usually left with the clean up when Kodiak messes something up. But, it's nothing Liam can't handle since he's so smart.
There's more development to come. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think!

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